Monday, October 29, 2007

Wedding Bells!

Regular readers have probably noticed that Jake is posting even less than usual (which, technically, should take him into negative numbers), but this week he claims to have a good excuse: He says he got engaged.

I don't know anything about this, and even his most energetic promises are suspect, but I tend to believe him this time since I could hear sections of a conversation in the background.

Jake: What do you mean? I'm gonna be rich!

Girl: Nope, sorry.

Jake: I mean really rich! I'll buy you Norway!

Girl: Fine, but no touching.

After hearing this I couldn't help but recall the cheery stories Hal and The Beast used to tell about their courtship. I never really paid attention, but the punchline was always the eloquent way Hal asked his future spouse out on their first date.

It went something like this:

Hal: Hey.

The Beast: Is that you Hal?

H: Yes.

TB: Why are you hiding under my car?

H: Do you want to go out with me or what?

TB: I don't think I understand...

H: Do you wanna go to the Super Sonics game on Friday?

TB: I'm busy that night watching four channels of black-and-white TV and not checking e-mails because those don't exist yet.

H: Then I'm staying put.

TB: Fine, pick me up at 6:30.

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