Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom!

On this day, a mere 54 years ago, The Beast was born.

Although many readers feel this blog is dedicated entirely to excoriating her various wonderful traits, it, in fact, has always been focused on celebrating them. And on this day, moreso than any other, Jake and I could not be more happy to celebrate her.

Although I do not wish to think too deeply on the particulars of my birthing process, I would be remiss to not pause and express how grateful I am that she brought me (and to a lesser degree, Jake) into the world.

Although old people typically dislike their birthday, I find it a reason to think positively about the future: If medical science holds up its end of the bargain, The Beast may only be middle-aged.

Not only is it comforting to know that she'll be around for another five and a half decades, but it's amusing to note that she will likely spend the final four years of her life in the exact manner which she spent the first four: Laying on the ground with a full diaper while screaming for someone to bring her more oatmeal.

I wish I could be there to spend the day with her, but, alas, three time zones and several thousand miles preclude me. The task falls to Hal to make this day special.

If I were there I would make sure that someone sang her the Spirit Journey Formation Anniversary song (hear it here), but, in my absence, I doubt this important birthday tradition will be carried out.

I can only hope her birthday is as great as all the ones she put on for me.

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Readers: Notice how she must actively restrain me from reaching in and grabbing the fire.

Mom, you're the best!

Sorry for making this video an all-too-familar representation of what it was like to raise me.

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