Friday, August 17, 2007

Breakfast: The Case of Hot v. Cold

From what I can gather, there are two kinds of moms when it comes to breakfast—hot and cold.

The Beast fell under the "cold" category.

Every morning, during the years of my childhood, she would awake before me, and, with a gentle hand and a soft heart, take the milk from the fridge, a bowl from the cupboard, and place them on the kitchen table next to a shameful, bagged cereal.

Having arranged this table setting, which occasionally included a bowl or spoon, she would then walk down the hall, throw a glass of water on me, and return to bed until the early afternoon.

I was 13 before I was at a friend’s house one morning and found his mom making him bacon and eggs.

My first thought was that it was his birthday, or perhaps he was shipping out for war.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a big complainer. I am just impressed that she actually got you out a spoon and a bowl, and she even got you a glass of water. She should have gotten you a glass of shut the....